Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Distance Education

As the weeks progress I am learning there are some advantages to not always meeting in a classroom and having a face to face lecture/class.  An example is this week.  I was scheduled to work Thursday night at 7 and because this is a non-meeting week I could fulfill that responsibility.  However, the class I was suppose to teach was cancelled so now I get a Thursday night to do what I want.
It has been a challenge trying to juggle each week as to what needs to be done and what doesn't need to be done.  Because we met online last week I didn't need to fill out anything in the discussion but I feel as though my views were not expressed accurately during the discussion time.  I would like to see the async discussion happen each week.  Maybe during the weeks that we are going to meet we could just have a simple discussion over a few questions that will get the ball rolling and maybe trigger more reactions during class time.
On the whole I think my online educational experience is going well.  In the future I will give consideration to online classes.  Before I would not think twice in taking an online class.  It would have to be a blended class because I do miss the lectures and verbal discussions each week.

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