Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Feeling the course load

As we all know there are two different types of weeks to this course, the on weeks, in which we read articles, meet and discuss and the off weeks, the weeks we read articles and then write summaries and distribute comments.  I don't think it is so much the course load work differs its that having a discussion doesn't feel like work verses the written discussion.

When we have on weeks like this one I read articles but I also received an email from Tama giving questions and a short over view of this weeks discussion.  I like this because I could keep these questions in the back of my mind while reading and than write down my answers to better reflect on my reading.

I think this has a lot to do with the fact that I am an auditory learner.  When I do the readings I usually copy and paste them into a text-to-speech program/application and listen to them while following along on screen.  Sometimes I will listen at work, so it is a nice time saver.  Since taking the text-to-speech approach (Something I was nervous to do) I have "read" more articles than I would have without.   Long articles intimidate me and I lose focus easily.  This has always been a problem for me.  It has also given me some ideas as to ways text-to-speech programs can help students and some features companies might consider adding like dual voicing if reading a play with different characters or being able to record your own voice for playback.

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